Exploring the sense and nonsense of food and health

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Why We Get Fat? The Current Debate


The most talked about topic concerning our obesity epidemic involves two major theoretical theories: the conventional theory of calories in -calories- out and the carbohydrate-insulin model.  It is important for the population to have a basic understanding of these theories in order to deal with the obesity conundrum so prevalent in our current food environment. Determining which is predominant could help us to counteract the epidemic with the most effective dietary treatments. The following article provides us with a simplified understanding of both sides of the debate.


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Preventing Diabetes Type 2

English: The blue circle is the global symbol ...

English: The blue circle is the global symbol for diabetes, introduced by the International Diabetes Federation with the aim of giving diabetes a common identity, supporting existing efforts to raise awareness of diabetes and placing the diabetes epidemic firmly in the public spotlight. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do you have pre-diabetes?  A lot of people do not know they do.   Many can prevent full-blown diabetes type 2 by making some lifestyle changes in diet and exercise habits.  For more information, see the article HERE. 

See my previous post HERE.